Sunday, December 6, 2009

on the road again!!

Finally, it's been a while fellow bloggers eh? It's been a wild couple of months. Just so we're clear, I am STILL occupying my sister's lovely twin bed on Casement Island in Paine Falls, Ohio...since September. Though time at home has been well punctuated with much needed excursions. Since my last whirlwind road-trip down south and back north, job hunting has become something of an obsession, not necessarily applying for everything I see but learning more about what's out there. It's been really interesting to see how helpful people have been when they hear I'm on the hunt. Even my flight instructor with whom I'd met only a few times hooked me up with some contacts. The more resumes I send out the more I learn about how to present myself. Apparently even time on a fishing boat has its merits and it's consistently surprising what employers will ask me about from my letter and resume.

Right before Thanksgiving, the Miller household had a visitor. Rocky the raft guide, whom I met in Alaska, came out from Washington to meet the family. Turkeys were brined, fires sat around, friends invited, and the Cleveland area explored. Great time was had by all and made me once again appreciate my friends and family as the most important thing I have.

Rocky is snowmobile guiding in Colorado this winter and needed a fellow road warrior to tame the pavement. I flew to Seattle two days ago and we're currently gearing up in the small SMALL town of Ephrata to make the drive. The landscape here is wildly different and beautiful. Big sky, sunshine, cut out rock canyons, and rolling hills make for some picturesque days, if a bit monochromatic. Currently freezing here and everyone who walks back in the house looks like they've been slapped in the face by mother nature a few times. Hitting the road Monday, we'll be taking the southern most route to hopefully avoid snow and bitter cold...though it's supposed to drop to 8, yes eight, degrees tonight. Going through Oregon and Utah while forgoing Montana and northern Idaho should be slightly kinder on our bodies and the car.

Friends await in Denver, the dynamic duo of Lizzie, Tara, and maybe another Tara are on standby for a night of reminiscing and introductions. Look out D-town, could get slightly out of control.

That's the post for now, feels good to have something to write about. As it stands, I'll be getting back on the fishing boat Jan 7th until April then back to the frontier land of Alaska to guide. That real world I keep hearing about manages yet again to elude me.

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